Empathy, how many of us have it?
Whodini, anyone? The infamous song Friends? “Friends, how many of us have them…” Well, this week we’re talking empathy, and as a healthcare provider, how many of us have it?
As a healthcare provider, when we turn down our inner radio, move our personal opinions out the way and make room for science, it’s important we extend empathy to those outside the industry that may be coming from a place of unfamiliarity. Aunt Susan on Facebook may have not have had the extensive schooling you did. Those outside the industry may not know how to access those resources we talked about last week, and more importantly – they may not understand how to interpret the information presented in journals and papers. Being the go-to expert in your community is tough! The folks around you will not know the information as you do, so always remember to exercise empathy and kindness. Healthcare (especially in our country) can be intimidating, so as we stand in the gaps between this vast ocean of information and our organizations, remember to practice empathy. You were built for this.
What Else Can We Do To Enhance Our Roles As Healthcare Providers?
- Read Your Organization’s Newsletter
- If you’re working in a larger hospital, we can guarantee you there is some type of newsletter coming out on a regular basis. They are giving you information that is succinct and to the point on current events – read it so you can get ahead of what’s happening. Through our social media and newsletters, we are also giving out short, sweet and to the point information and links – take advantage! If you are registered through AANP, they are continuously sending out emails with updated information. These professional organizations know you’re busy and tired, so they’ve put in some work in providing you easy, but important, readings on how to be successful in your role.
- Self Care
- Burn out is real, so please protect your peace! It is tiring being a healthcare professional. If you’re stuck in a “work, home, work” cycle – you will not last in this industry long. Find COVID-19 safe activities to keep you up and moving – are you a health enthusiast who enjoys virtual bike rides with peers? Have you invested in therapy? Do you quilt, bake, or love reading murder mysteries? Find whatever it is, and make sure you’re taking care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
- Community
- You may be the expert in your community, but we know the exhaustion that can come with it. Surround yourself with like-minded people to bounce ideas off of, vent, and laugh with. The NP Collective is a great place where we’re curating this kind of community. We’re currently talking about this vaccine and will soon transition into covering all things job-related. Find your community to stay charged and excited!
Please do not hesitate to email us to further discuss any of the points made today or if you just need a listening ear. We’re here for you and know you’ll go on to do amazing things in your career.