A 40-year-old female presenting to the office with her husband with concerns with anxiety. He states that she can be really cranky and mean at times but when she is  not close to that time, she is “sweet as pie”. She says it seems like it comes in cycles with low energy level and brain fog. ”During that time I really don’t want to do anything”. BMl 35, BP 135/83, HR 89 O2 98%.

None at this time
No surgeries

EtOH three drinks a week
No recreational drugs
Tobacco usage: 1/2 pack a day since she was 17

Mother: Healthy
Father: HTN

1. What is your diagnosis?


2. What labs or studies are you running to confirm your diagnosis.


3. What are your supportive suggestions for her husband?


4. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is recognized in the DSM-5?


5. What other diagnoses are important to rule out due to the similarities?


6. What is the primary treatment for this disorder?


7. What are alternate treatments for this disorder?


Question 1 of 7