CC: sore throat and chest pain
HPI: 37-year-old female patient in clinic complaining of sore throat and chest pain.

Patient last seen in the clinic for Amenorrhea. Past medical history UTI, headache, neck pain, pelvic pain, UTI, HSV, hyperlipidemia, and goiter. Mass noted on the left side of the throat history of Goiter. Complained of difficulty swallowing sore dry throat. Food has to be eaten in small bites. Noted new nodule on the right lower side of the original goiter for 1 month. Denies difficulty in breathing, or problems with managing saliva. Denies having any radiographic studies done.

Also complaints of sternal intermittent chest pain during the daytime describe it as uncomfortable. Seems to be worse in between meals. Feels like indigestion or gas sometimes.

1. What is your diagnosis?

2. What labs or procedures are you running to confirm your diagnosis?

3. What are your recommendations for the patient?

4. What are the causes of goiter?


5. Thyroid nodules are always cancerous.


6. Who is most likely to have a goiter?


7. A patient with goiter should be referred to:


Question 1 of 7

A FACT SHEET FROM THE OFFICE ON WOMEN’S HEALTH. (2023). Thyroid disease. Retrieved from

NIH. (2023). Iodine. Retrieved from

American thyroid association. (2023). Thyroid function test. Retrieved from