42 year-old BF patient presents to the office for annual lab follow up. Patient is a natural path and is opposed to traditional treatment. Lab: All CMP valves are within normal acceptable limits.

Hgb 12.6
MCV 79
MCH 29
TSat 12
Ferritin 20
BMI 33
bp 120/67
hr 80
BG 110
TSH 1.01
TC 230
LDL 130
HDL 57
Triglycerides 78

Hx: Perimenopausal, obesity
Surgical history: c-section X1, RFI on varicose veins bilateral legs
Social history: non-smoker, 1 ETOH a week, occupation: personal assistant C-suite Executive
Family history: DM, HTN, Ca, MI, Stroke

1. What are your diagnoses for this patient?

2. What are your suggestions for this patient?

3. What traditional medication would you order for this patient?


4. What alternate options might the patient take?


5. What is the traditional treatment for Iron Anemia?


6. What follow up labs should be completed if the patient’s blood sugar was 110 on labs and 101 in office with fingerstick?


7. Patient is complaining of occasional “hot flashes” but typically has peripheral coldness and frequent constipation what additional labs should you check?


Question 1 of 7