A 72-year-old female patient is brought to the office by a community caregiver. Patient’s primary language is Haitian Creole but she can communicate in English. The caregiver is stating that the patient has been having difficulty communicating and is less energetic for the last 2 weeks or more. She has been pointing mostly and her appetite has decreased. She lives with her husband who recently had a car accident but still helps out the best he can. Labs (CBC and CMP) drawn one weeks ago at the center are normal. Last dialysis treatment was yesterday.

PMHX: ESRD, dialysis, anemia, and hypertension
She had no changes in medication; and is managed by home health.
Denies changes in gait; only generalized weakness
Vitals: 138/72 HR 72, Resp 23, 02 SAT 98%, FG 89, temp 98.9 F

1. What labs or procedures are you running to confirm your diagnosis?

2. What is your diagnosis?


3. What are your recommendations for the patient?

4. Which assessment should be performed in this case?


5. What is the cause of acute confusion/delirium in older adults?


6. Which areas should be assessed thoroughly?


7. If you treat it with an antibiotic, which is best for a UTI in an ESRD patient?


Question 1 of 7

Reference: Ranjit, E., Sapra, A., Bhandari, P., Albers, C. E., & Ajmeri, M. S. (2020). Cognitive Assessment of Geriatric Patients in Primary Care Settings. Cureus, 12(9), e10443. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.10443