A 16-year-old patient is accompanied to the office with his mother complaining of neck discomfort and headache. You noticed he has sunglasses on when being taken to the room.  He attends high school and is on the swim team. Upon further assessment he recently came from camping 2 days ago where he went swimming and hiking. He complains of myalgia and headache 10 out of 10. Current vitals: BP 123/67 Hr 101  temp: 102.0 O2Sat 98%.

Broken arm 12 years old
All vaccinations through the age 14

Surgery: None

SHX:  10 grade, swim team all year, lives with both parents, no ETOH, no tobacco use, no recreational drug use, and never has been sexually active.

Family hx: None

1. What labs or procedures are you running to confirm your diagnosis?


2. What is your diagnosis?


3. What is your differential diagnosis?


4. What organism is most likely to cause this condition?


5. What two other diagnoses are the most important to rule out that have similar symptoms but have a high rate of mortality?

6. What is the treatment for viral (Enterovirus) versus bacterial meningitis?


7. What other differential diagnosis would be important to allow out?


Question 1 of 7