A 57 year-old black male patient presenting to the office for a scheduled appointment. Vitals are as follows: BP 131/55; heart rate 155; temperature 98.0 F; O2 Sat 94%. Patient states, “I Feel fine”. Denies shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, and vomiting, or recent diarrhea. Past medical history is multiple Myeloma, HTN, Anemia, and ESRD with dialysis MWF. Patient admits to smoking 5 minutes prior to vitals being checked.

1. What labs or procedures are you running to confirm your diagnosis?

2. What is your diagnosis?

3. What are your recommendations for the patient?

4. What EKG rhythm would be least concerning?


5. Which non-invasive procedure would you expect the emergency facility to initiate?


6. Which medication would you expect the patient to be taking on the next visit?


7. What are some of the main foods to avoid with SVT?


Question 1 of 7