The Nitty Gritty

This is a private group in which members are paying to participate, which excitedly means there are rules!

  1. This is all copyrighted material so please do not share information with those who are not in this group. You paid for this champ, you get the perks!
  2. Please respect others – no name-calling, rude, or belittling comments. We are all in different walks of our NP career.
    • Let’s uplift each other! Let’s show up for each other with positivity and encouragement! Let’s be patient with ourselves and our colleagues, let’s ask questions, and make the most out of this space of professionals.
  3. Do not spam. Please respect your peers and the overall goal of this group by only posting topic appropriate content and comments. No soliciting, unless you’re the Tamale Lady. Because everyone loves tamales!
  4. This is a subscription-based membership that is charged monthly. You have full access to the group and your dashboard throughout the duration of your subscription membership period until you cancel. It is your responsibility to cancel your monthly subscription within the time frame that works best for you. Once you cancel, you will have access to the material for the remainder of your last paid month.

LWES™ reserves the right to remove you from the group if we find this is not a good fit for us. Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information.